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hagia sophia bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "hagia sophia"
  • Aya Sofya became the first imperial mosque of Istanbul.
    Hagia Sophia menjadi masjid kekaisaran pertama di Istanbul.
  • This magnificent building is the Hagia Sophia.
    Bangunan megah ini Hagia Sophia adalah.
  • We don't want the faithless Catholics in Hagia Sophia.
    Kita tak ingin Katolik tak beriman masuk di Hagia Sophia.
  • The Hagia Sophia in Istanbul also influenced Islamic architecture.
    Juga masjid Hagia Sophia di Istanbul, Turki turut memengaruhi corak arsitektur Islam.
  • 537 – The construction of the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople is completed.
    27 Desember — Hagia Sophia di Konstantinopel selesai dibangun.
  • On 25 March 717, Leo was proclaimed emperor in Hagia Sophia.
    Pada tanggal 31 Juli 1200, Ioannes diproklamasikan sebagai Kaisar di Hagia Sophia.
  • 6. Sultanahmet Half Day - Private $34.00
    2. Dan Brown - Hagia Sophia In Inferno $34.00
  • Park Plaza Hôtel, Cardiff - site web;
    Albatros Hagia Sophia Hôtel, Istambul - site web;
  • Ara Güler Museum Florence Nightingale Hospital Kanyon Basilica Cistern
    Pera Museum Kolan International Metro City Hagia Sophia
  • He is selling our religion in Hagia Sophia... instead of giving us strength.
    Dia menjual Agama kita di Hagia Sophia tanpa memberi kita kekuatan.
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